Monday, December 12, 2016

E.O.T.C On Wednesday Night

E.O.T.C Wednesday Night

On wednesday we went to Nga Taonga and Te Papa but on wednesday night we had our year 5 and 6 sleepover at school in the hall. We had to go home and have dinner and then bring our gear to school and choose a spot in the hall to sleep. When nearly everyone had arrived we played games outside and everyone got split into 2 groups to either play non stop cricket or another game. Once we played those games we stayed inside for a bit and had a snack. My spot was at the front of the hall on the side and my cousin Tanika and my friend Warda put their mattresses next to mine because I was in between them. After that we played quiet games like jenga and cards and also cluedo for a bit. Then we watched a movie called Flubber. Then we had another snack and watched more of the movie.
Half way through the movie we stopped to play spotlight outside in the dark. The spotlight we played wasn’t normal spotlight because Miss Smith said that it was Rangikura style. Not all of us played spotlight because some people thought that it wasn’t dark enough and some others just didn’t want to. Then the teacher blew her whistle to call everyone back. After everyone came inside some people got ready for bed. My friend Rhiannon was the first one asleep.

Now it was lights out .People didn’t go to sleep straight away because people were talking. I had to stay awake because of my cousin and friend, they were talking all night and they were listening to me in my sleep. Apparently I sleep talk. I thought that was very weird of them to do that.

After we had our sleep we had boot camp outside on the field. We had to run back and forwards from cones and do zig zags around cones.

By Wanita

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