Monday, December 12, 2016

Prep Group Photo. Emoji Squad

This is my prep group holding our prep product. We made emoji pillows. It took a long period of time but we got there. We used sewing needles, thread and different colour fabric

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Individual Prep Photo

This is a photo with me and my groups prep product. In my hand is a emoji pillow.

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E.O.T.C On Thursday

E.O.T.C Thursday
Swimming pool and Morning

On Thursday morning we were told to wake up at 6.00am to get ready and at 6.30am we did our boot camp. Our boot camp was hard because we had to do sprints back and forth and shuttles around rugby cones. It was also fun because we did it in teams and a lot of people were encouraging others.

After fitness we went inside to cool down and to pack the rest of our stuff and to put it in our classes. We had to wait a little bit before breakfast because it was being prepared.

The breakfasts choices were baked beans and weetbix. I choose baked beans and they were the best. During breakfast people were talking about the games they were going to play before we were going to the pools.

I saw heaps of different games in the hall. There was monopoly, card games, cluedo, jenga and connect four. Me and my friends played connect four and last card. I was in my  competitive mode because I don’t like losing but sometimes you just have to deal with it. I still lost even though I was in the lead in last card.

It was time to line up for the pool. It was very loud because there were heaps of conversations. Miss Hill's class went out to to the bus first, it was a false alarm because there weren’t any busses out in the front. We had to wait more and more. Now the busses were here and we all went out. This time it was for real. I was so annoyed that the busses weren’t there because I really wanted to go to the swimming pools faster.

We were on the busses and I sat next to Warda and we played 21 together and I won. I felt so awesome that I won because I love winning things. The next game we played was S.T. I won again because Warda said something that started with S.

We arrived at the pool and lined up at the front of the entrance doors. We went in and waited for the reception to tell us to come in, during the wait we started conversations. We got dressed and went into the pool and listened to a lifeguard before we went in. I started swimming and I got a big splash of pool water in the face. I was splashing everyone. I felt the rush go through me as I kept splashing the people who surrounded me.

Me, my friend and my cousin went to check if the humongous hydro slide was open and also to check if Warda was tall enough. We walked up to the measurer and Warda was just above 1.3 metres. It wasn’t open yet until later though. We occupied ourselves and went into the pool to play tag. Time went on and on and every now and then we checked the slide. 30 minutes later it was open but there was a  massive line up the stairs. We waited anyways.

It was my turn to go down. I went down with a lot of speed. Until it got boring we didn’t do it. We went into the pool again but me and my friend Ronita went on the obstacle course. It was so slippery at the time.

I had lunch and then had a very short rest, then we went into the deep end and jumped. For the rest of the swimming time it was boring because we had nothing to do, but when the waves came it was awesome.

We had 5  minutes left and I decided to get out early so I wasn’t the last one out of the changing rooms. I entered the changing rooms and a very large bunch of air came towards me. It was cold and wet. I grabbed my towel and rustled it around, then someone else came in but the person didn’t come from Rangikura school. It was a stranger. After that my friends came in talking. I was changed and by the time I went out the door everyone filled the changing rooms.

Everyone was out of the pools, on the bus and waiting to head of back to school.
The pools were the end of our E.O.T.C week.
I thought that it was very fun at the time. When we got back to school we saw most of our gear on the class room floor.

There was extra time left before we had to go home so we had to read. We also had some of the leftover baking from the sleepover.
There was cake, different types of muffins and heaps more.

By Wanita

E.O.T.C On Wednesday Night

E.O.T.C Wednesday Night

On wednesday we went to Nga Taonga and Te Papa but on wednesday night we had our year 5 and 6 sleepover at school in the hall. We had to go home and have dinner and then bring our gear to school and choose a spot in the hall to sleep. When nearly everyone had arrived we played games outside and everyone got split into 2 groups to either play non stop cricket or another game. Once we played those games we stayed inside for a bit and had a snack. My spot was at the front of the hall on the side and my cousin Tanika and my friend Warda put their mattresses next to mine because I was in between them. After that we played quiet games like jenga and cards and also cluedo for a bit. Then we watched a movie called Flubber. Then we had another snack and watched more of the movie.
Half way through the movie we stopped to play spotlight outside in the dark. The spotlight we played wasn’t normal spotlight because Miss Smith said that it was Rangikura style. Not all of us played spotlight because some people thought that it wasn’t dark enough and some others just didn’t want to. Then the teacher blew her whistle to call everyone back. After everyone came inside some people got ready for bed. My friend Rhiannon was the first one asleep.

Now it was lights out .People didn’t go to sleep straight away because people were talking. I had to stay awake because of my cousin and friend, they were talking all night and they were listening to me in my sleep. Apparently I sleep talk. I thought that was very weird of them to do that.

After we had our sleep we had boot camp outside on the field. We had to run back and forwards from cones and do zig zags around cones.

By Wanita

E.O.T.C On Wednesday

E.O.T.C Wednesday
Te papa & Nga taonga

On wednesday we had are hui and got assigned to are team, then we got on the bus and our first stop was Te Papa. Like Tuesday we got split into groups and did activities around Te Papa. My team leader's name was Jasmine but she said we could call her jazz. Before we even did any activites and left we had to put our bags in a metal container.
Now we could get started. When we got up the stairs, this man said “ are you foxton primary school” and we replied with a “no” then he wished a good day to us and left the reception desk he was at. Jazz led us into the gallipoli exhibition to look at the artwork that was done. When we were in there we saw all types of war dates and a small hut with a bed stand with letters on it. When we got out of the exhibition we started our activities and we went to draw a tattoo on this man and to draw a tapa cloth from samoa, then our next step was to find out words in pacific cultures and they were Hawaii, Cook island, Samoan and Māori. After that we had a look for more clues on are sheet and then we got called back to get our bags.
On the way back we went on the bus again to head to our next destination.

Nga Taonga
Nga Taonga was our next destination. We were there  to learn about the history of wellington and porirua back in the olden days. While we were there we learnt about films and how they made them. We also got to see slide shows and short films. Nga Taonga showed a video of people giving their opinion of wellington and most of them said that they didn’t like it when they first came to wellington but now they think it is awesome. Me and my friends sat in the very first row at the front. Most of the films were in black and white but we did get to see som coloured films as well.

After Nga Taonga and Te Papa we went back on our bus to go back to school and do a reflection of our day.

By Wanita

E.O.T.C On Tuesday

E.O.T.C Tuesday
Survival Day

The next day after the Aotea Lagoon on Tuesday we had our pohutukawa survival day. The survival day was made up of 5 events and was spread into classes and the hall. Before we went into our first activities we had to separate into our groups.

There were 5 events. The 5 events were games in the hall, cards and dices in room 8, first aid kit learning in room 17, survival needs in room 10 and making posters of what we need during an emergency in room 11.

We got told where to go and went there. The group I was in got to go in the hall first and others got sent to the classrooms.

The games in the hall were communication and teamwork games and the others were just talking about what we needed in an emergency and if someone got hurt.

The second one we went to was the activity I thought was the most important  because we got taught how to elevate an injury and how to put on a bandage if you have sprained a foot or arm.

The third  activity my group went to was in room 8. In room 8 we had a choice to make a fitness dice or a thank you card to someone special.
I choose to make a card to my uncle who I  just met.

The fourth one I went to was fun because we had to make a poster on what we needed and we could design our big heading in the middle and it had to stand out so that people could understand what our poster was about.

The very last activity for us was in room 10. The focus in room 10 was to really know what was important and wasn’t. We got split into groups and got given 15 cards to sort out. We had to sort out the cards into the most needed and the not necessary items on the cards.

By Wanita

E.O.T.C On Monday

E.O.T.C Monday
Aotea Lagoon

On Monday we walked to Aotea lagoon. We had to walk beside a construction site so that meant that we had to keep crossing roads.
We walked in pairs and buddies but some people had very large groups. I walked with my friends. When we got there we found a spot a couple of steps away from the big lake in the middle of the lagoon.We sat down and we waited for instructions. The first instruction was to sit down and listen to the teachers, the second instruction was to eat and drink and the last instruction was to listen to the teachers a bit more and then everyone could run off into the playground.

The first game I played was with my friends and we played busted on the big spider web that was red and blue. The first one to be in was my friend cousin Tanika, we were climbing as fast as we could but my other friend named Warda got tagged because she was too slow. Warda was trying so hard to climb it but before she tagged anyone I quit the game because I was tired.

I started walking around the lagoon park doing nothing but then my friend yells out to me “ WANITA!!!!!!” I quickly turned around as if I thought someone was following me but in fact there was someone following me. RONITA!!! She asked me if I wanted to play this game how you had to go down these ropes with black round seats spread out on them. I said “ ok” then we went up to the deck where we were starting and then my other friends came. Warda, Tanika and Rhiannon. It was a competition that who could get to the bottom the fastest and who had the fastest time. Ronita went first and she took 10 seconds, then Warda went down and had a time of 20 seconds, then Tanika went down and took 3 minutes and 45 seconds, then I went down and it took me 1 minute and 30 seconds because I am scared of heights and last of all Rhiannon and she had a time of 10 seconds exactly like Ronita. We kept doing it because it was fun but after awhile we stopped because it got boring. Warda’s parents came down to see her so  we went with her to say hi.

After that we played normal tag around the park. We were running up to the bridge and we went down the slide to run away from warda. I quickly ran out of breath and stopped playing the game.

I went back to the spot we were at and played tug of war and jump rope. We randomly split into groups and tried as much as we could to get it half way but our team lost. Then we played jump rope and Rhiannon won because she was the last one standing.

Then we walked back to school and Warda taught me Urdu and I taught her Māori. It was so hard because we had to walk up a massive hill and a short one.

At the end of the day we were lying on our class floor and moaning about the big walk back to school, but not all of us were on the floor because some of us were at are desks.

By Wanita

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